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PSA For Parents


Remind your children to play.

Remind them to belly laugh

And giggle uncontrollably...

At all times.

Remind them that they have the right to be safe...

At all times.

They have the right to be looked after 

And the right to not be responsible for the actions of adults.

Remind them of their worth 

Of their innocence 

And of their endless potential.

Remind them they are human 

Alive with emotions

Intelligence and imaginations.

Remind them of their importance 

And that the progression of humanity depends on them being who they are...

At all times. 

bird seeds no.1


Hair will recede. 

Or go grey. 

Or just all go away. 


Hearts must beat. 

Hearts, must be beaten. 

Minds will be trapped. 

But the mind is wrapped in freedom. 


Faith must be exercised. 

Though, God may never bless your eyes. 


Money will forever be paper. 

Paper will never be money. 

Life is not a joke.

But life is very funny. 

little lives


Look at us and our little lives

And our little drives to put our little cars.

Our little things

Go in little drawers. 

And if we’ve got a little space 

We just fill it with a little more. 


Look at us and our little lives 

Our little safe havens 

Our little paradise. 

And our little candle lights on Friday nights

With a few drinks on a little ice 

And a little spliff for our little highs. 


Look at us and our little lives 

Our smart phones 

And our dumb minds. 


Look at us and our little lives

And our little shrines

And our little prayers

To heavenly divines.

That we created in our little minds.


Look at us and our little lives

And our little dreams

And average heights.

When a big thing happens 

We’re just a little surprised.

Our little eyes

Are a little desensitised. 


Look at us and our little lives 

And our little husbands and our little wives. 

We make big problems from our little lies

We try to solve and try disguise. 

And we crack our brains and our little minds. 

But the damage is already done.

We’re all just a little out of time. 

sweet sleeper


Since the very first time 

I’ve watched dawn turn to morning light from the reflections of your skin. 

I wake with the anticipation of the position we’ll be in; 

You sleep on my left side

So my left thigh is always tightly held between yours. 

And you head is tucked just under my jaw. 


How did I become the bearer of this blessing? 

How could I be so loved by someone this precious?

The possessor of my affections. 

I cherish your complexions.

And treasure all your textures.

Being black...


Is walking in the rain.

And the rain is heavy.

And the rain is blood.

And the blood stains.

You have no clothes to change.

Your home is not in range.

You’re just

Walking in the rain.

Copyright © 2020 Ty'rone Haughton.


All Rights Reserved. No parts of writings may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations or reviews.



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